Information about our commitment to the environment and sustainability

Our commitment to the environment and sustainability in the production process of our grape juices and concentrates is of vital importance.

Sustainability is in Julián Soler’s DNA and our action plan is based on 5 fundamental pillars.

From the use of clean energies to the ethical and responsible way in which we collaborate with farmers, it is all part of our way of thinking. Fresh, top-quality grapes, with strong roots in our land.

Making our social and environmental commitment known is not only a way of feeling proud of the way we act. It is also a reminder to ourselves to continue producing grapes and nothing else.

If there is one thing that characterizes our industry, it is its millenary origin. Grapes have been harvested and used for many centuries and, if we want them to continue to be part of our industry and our culture, we must take care of everything that surrounds them. Sustainability is the key to achieving this.

A few days ago we carried out the FSA audit, which verifies environmental, economic, social practices and the management of our farmers.✔️This year we have incorporated new grape suppliers to this sustainable scheme which allows us to produce more than 700 tonnes of sustainable grape juice concentrate.

Commited to our community

On the 18th June we collaborated with the VII charity race for Afanion – Children with cancer. In which the students from CEIP “Paula Soler Sanchiz” of Quintanar del Rey participated. At JULIAN SOLER we completely support these charity initiatives. Social commitment has always been a fundamental aspect of our sense of responsibility as a company.

At JULIÁN SOLER S.A. we make sustainable use of water, recycling the plant water that we generate in the concentration process and returning its own water to the vine through irrigation. How do we do it? Grape water is obtained during the concentration of our grape must. This water contains minerals and vitamins typical from


Taking care of biodiversity means taking care of our birds. At this time of the year the most common species such as sparrows are in search of the ideal place to nest. Our commitment to biodiversity has led us to install nest houses in the pine forest adjacent to our factory, hence, helping the birds

Eco-friendly company

Nowadays many factories claim to be eco-friendly. You might even say it seems like a new concept, however, for us it is not. At Julian Soler we have been using clean and renewable energy for over 20 years in our production process. We use biomass to fuel our boilers and we have a photovoltaic installation

Health source

It is a myth that sugars in grape juice are bad for children.One small glass of 100% grape juice contains 15 g of natural sugars, but also provides vitamins and minerals, making it a useful addition to the diet. The sugars in are naturally present in the fruit, not added sugars. 100% grape juice contains