1-In a few words, who is Consuelo Soler, how do you define yourself? I consider myself a hard worker, optimistic and always ready to teach and help people around me who need me. 2-How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? I started working in the company in 1985,

1- In a few words, who is Juan Antonio Picazo, how do you define yourself? I define myself as a compassionate, caring and humble person. 2- How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? It’s been 27 years now, and I’m in production, specifically in the grape juice concentrate

1- In a few words Who is Josefa, how do you define yourself? I define myself as a responsible, active and perfectionist person. 2- How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? At the moment I am a filler, but I have done various jobs over the years in

1- In a few words Who is Audaz Escribano, how do you define yourself? Well, I like to define myself by living up to my name, which means “audacious” hahahaha. 2- How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? My work at Julián Soler began about 12 years ago

1- In a few words Who is Javier, how do you define yourself? I define myself as a committed, active, cheerful and ambitious person. I seek to have a positive impact on my environment. I like to listen to people, about their experiences and I try to be part of their story. 2- What work