365 DAYS

Today’s consumers can only be won over by delivering quality and authenticity. Why? Consumer preferences are constantly evolving. They are not only looking for palatable foods; now they also demand products that are aligned with their values and expectations, that offer them answers to a multitude of factors, such as production with the lowest environmental

It is not the same to have witnessed major events in the 1950s or 1960s, like the Baby Boomers, as it is to have been born into a fully digital society in 2000, like generation “Z”. Generational experiences shape consumer preferences and habits. Thus, food choices, how to decide what to eat, where to eat,

Premium foods are increasingly appealing to modern consumers. The reason? An increased awareness of the wellness that comes from consuming products with superior ingredients and, at the same time, the need to enjoy unique sensory experiences in every bite. This means that a large percentage of people are looking for more than just a commodity;

“The company, for me, is the main instrument of service to society” / Julián Soler When we talk about sustainability in our grape juice concentrate production, we refer to an integrated, efficient and innovative management that encompasses environmental, economic and social factors. In our unique must-making process, we promote environmentally friendly agricultural and industrial practices

We help our customers innovate and stay ahead of emerging food trends. The food and beverage industry is a sector in which consumer demands change and evolve rapidly. To adapt and remain competitive, innovation is essential. Of course, this also implies having the ability to develop differentiated products adapted to market demands.  At JULIÁN SOLER

From the popular “petimezi”, the grape syrup used as a sweetener in ancient Greece, to the versatile “defrutum”, the thick grape juice used to sweeten or preserve fruits and meats in ancient Roman cuisine, grape concentrate has become a highly valued ingredient in food and beverage production. Today, this product is revolutionizing the food industry,

As the food and beverage industry moves toward greater sustainability and nutritional improvement, grape pomace is emerging as an innovative and multifaceted ingredient. This valuable by-product from grape processing offers numerous health benefits. It also has the ability to contribute important sensory properties to food products. And from the point of view of the circular

Grape juice concentrate (must) is a valuable ingredient for the food and beverage industry. The reasons? There are many reasons. This fruit juice is versatile and provides a wealth of benefits. It is used to enrich the nutritional profile of various edible products, sweeten desserts and beverages, improve textures or provide a rich, natural color,

In the health food and beverage industry, pineapple and grape juice concentrates are ingredients used to deliver nutritious and functional products to consumers. Both juices represent intensely flavored alternatives that capture the aromas, flavors and vitamins of fresh fruit, thereby offering health benefits that align with current fitness trends. Pineapple juice concentrate is highly popular

Los zumos concentrados de frutas representan una fuente deliciosa y rica en nutrientes esenciales para el organismo. Son perfectos para aprovechar los beneficios de la fruta fresca en la elaboración de una gran cantidad de alimentos y bebidas. Entre estos concentrados destaca el jugo concentrado de manzana, por su versatilidad y capacidad para saborizar los alimentos. Además, se destaca el zumo concentrado de uva, por su alto contenido de antioxidantes y su poder colorante. 

Citrus juices have special relevance around the world, both culturally and nutritionally, and are therefore in high demand. Among these citrus fruits is lemon juice concentrate, a product with multiple applications in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and nutraceutical industries, including the restaurant sector. Moreover, this concentrate represents a market with remarkable growth. Not only because

The growing demand for healthy food is increasingly driving the global market for fruit juice concentrates. These types of juices represent a nutritious and cost-effective alternative for various applications in the food and beverage industry. In addition to providing sweetness, flavour, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other valuable micronutrients, they also offer a number of advantages,

The ability to deliver comforting consumer delights, with increasingly healthier and more nutritious ingredients, is gaining ground in the food sector, more so in the chocolate industry. Consumers want sweets that are more natural, more nutrient-dense, lower in sugar and aligned with environmental protection. Chocolate is the perfect candidate to meet these demands. Firstly because

Grapes and their derivatives are the most important natural sources of resveratrol. For this reason, they are gaining prominence in various industries, such as nutraceuticals, for the formulation of enriched foods and healthy and functional beverages; cosmetics, to make moisturising creams, serums and make-up that benefit the epidermis; and nutricosmetics, to develop nutritional supplements that

The rise of the quest for wellness among consumers is driving the global alcoholic beverage industry to incorporate alternatives with little or no alcohol. Within this sector, wine producers have adapted to these new healthy trends and are also incorporating in their offer various non-alcoholic or low-alcoholic wine options, with flavours or bodies very similar

For consumers, healthy beverages are an excellent way to achieve that lifestyle that gives them a sense of all-around well-being. To do so, they demand a balance between profit, taste and sustainability. They still want interesting and delicious beverages, but without feeling guilty. In this post we focus on understanding what the consumer wants and

Grape juice & healthy facts

The medicinal value of grapevines, grapes and the juices of ripe grapes have been recognised and used since ancient times to treat various conditions, such as liver disease, cholera and constipation. For example, in ancient Greece, a drink of honey plus unfermented grape juice (oenomel) was created to treat gout and other nervous disorders. Today,

There are several types of sugars in the daily diet. Some sugars are added to food, others are present in fruit and vegetables. The truth is that sugars are a source of energy and, according to the European Food Safety Authority EFSA, some types of sugars, such as glucose, are essential for the proper functioning

1-In a few words, who is Consuelo Soler, how do you define yourself? I consider myself a hard worker, optimistic and always ready to teach and help people around me who need me. 2-How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? I started working in the company in 1985,

Increased production and diversification of products and solutions within the grape juice and concentrate industry at Julián Soler. Since our beginnings as grape juice concentrators in 1968, the significant increase in production experienced by Julián Soler over the years has been accompanied by technological innovation and diversification of products and solutions within the grape juice

Currently, the use of fruit juices as a base for the production of functional and healthy beverages is an increasingly noticeable trend. Grape juice is one of the ones that contributes the most antioxidants to isotonic or sports drinks. Moreover, must contains key bioactive compounds for the balance of the microbiota and provides electrolytes and

1- In a few words, who is Juan Antonio Picazo, how do you define yourself? I define myself as a compassionate, caring and humble person. 2- How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? It’s been 27 years now, and I’m in production, specifically in the grape juice concentrate

Los azúcares naturales del zumo de uva ¿son saludables?

Wine is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, and there are so many varieties that there will always be one to suit every palate. For thousands of years, it has been part of the culture and life in society, and for years it has become an important pillar in the economy

1- In a few words Who is Josefa, how do you define yourself? I define myself as a responsible, active and perfectionist person. 2- How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? At the moment I am a filler, but I have done various jobs over the years in

1- In a few words Who is Audaz Escribano, how do you define yourself? Well, I like to define myself by living up to my name, which means “audacious” hahahaha. 2- How long have you been working at Julián Soler and what are your duties? My work at Julián Soler began about 12 years ago

Food pairing with grape juice? Food and drink pairing with fruit juices is becoming more and more popular in gastronomic offers. The end consumer demands new experiences, light, low-alcohol or non-alcoholic drinks and dishes made from unique flavour combinations and textures. Therefore, using juices as ingredients in a variety of dishes and desserts, as well

1- In a few words Who is Javier, how do you define yourself? I define myself as a committed, active, cheerful and ambitious person. I seek to have a positive impact on my environment. I like to listen to people, about their experiences and I try to be part of their story. 2- What work

A high colour intensity in red grape juice concentrate is associated with its quality. However, during storage this typical red colour can change, which means not only a decrease in pigmentation but also the loss of important properties or characteristics of the grape juice. But is it possible to maintain the colour of the red

Vidartis, más que un proyecto de Responsabilidad Social de Julián Soler

Art is a way of preserving, transmitting and promoting our most deeply rooted traditions. It is a superior form of expression that has the power to communicate through the forms and materials used by its author. And this is what Vidartis is all about, a project that manages to turn art into an ambassador of

Cómo detectar un mosto adulterado

Among the causes of the low quality of grape juice concentrate is its adulteration through the inclusion of ingredients or compounds such as exogenous sugars, water, colorants, aromas, etc. How to choose an authentic grape juice? For you to be sure of the high quality of the product you buy, we explain all the factors