Information about grape juice products and concentrates

At Julián Soler we work with different concentrated grape juices, using the Airén, Bobal or Garnacha Tintorera varieties depending on the result we want to obtain. Thus, we have white grape juice concentrate, red grape juice concentrate, high colour red grape juice concentrate and rectified grape juice concentrate.

Our grape juice concentrate is obtained from grape juice, from which we remove part of the water content by evaporation. It has 65/68º Brix and is used as a natural sweetener in fruit juices, wines and other foods.

The use of these concentrated juices is present in several productive sectors. They are not only used in the food industry but can also be found in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Thanks to our grape suppliers we are able to guarantee fill traceability of our grape juice concentrate. At this time of the year every farmer shares every little detail in regards to the grape they have harvested (the grape variety, the vineyard of origin, spray calendar) which allow us to control the quality from the source.

Grape harvest is approaching

Grape harvest is approaching and with it the traditional must buns (“Bollos de Mosto”). At JULIAN SOLER we supply our grape juice concentrate in small containers (of 5 litres, 10 litres and 25 litres carafes) enabling you to make your very own buns in a natural way.Contact us if you need more information.


The grapes from our vineyard are already “taking on colour” “Taking on colour” is making reference to “veraison”, the moment in which red grapes begin to redden. The arrival of the “veraison” is one of the most remarkable moments the vineyard experiences. The colouring of the grapes begin, marking the commence of the phenolic ripening. The grapes take on

Agriculture and tradition

Although farming machinery has seen tremendous technical developments in the last few decades, we can still find some of the first tractors that used to be commonly used in our region and that can be considered authentic “museum pieces” today. In the image we can observe a Lanz 6516 tractor from the year 1960, restored


Our drums freezing chamber is now holding the last batches of our grape juice concentrate for this season.In a few weeks the new grape harvest will begin and we will refill it with a new batch of grape juice concentrate.Thanks to the low temperatures (-18ºC) we are able to maintain the physio-chemical and the organoleptic properties


Our vineyard is in the middle of the fruition period. We can already see the bunches of grapes from the Garnacha Tintorera variety.  At the moment we are carrying our what is called ”green harvesting/vendimia en verde” which involves eliminating a part of the young bunches if the plant is overloaded. This year being a year of heavy rain and splendid

What better beverage to start the summer with than our chilled grape juice? Our 100% Tintorera Red grape juice is rich in antioxidants and it contains vitamin C and E which work together to delay celular ageing, maintaining skin condition and improving the appearance of sun spots.

Thanks to our huge cold storage capacity we are able to supply Grape Juice Concentrate throughout the entire year, even during the summer months. Our end product is stored at cooling temperatures which maintains all its organoleptic and physicochemical properties intact.


It is a gift of nature to see our product grow day by day. We love what we do and we want to share it with you. We call it AUTHENTICITY. The flowering of the grapevine happens in mid June. The flowers, white and tiny, open, waiting to be pollinated by the wind and insects. Once the flower has

The products of our clients

This drink is prepared with our red grape juice concentrate. It is a bubbly “bitter” with low alcoholic content (6% vol.alcohol), where our grape juice is macerated with traditional digestive herbs and its own carbonic from fermentation. It is an utter luxury to be able to rely on clients who prepare such innovative drinks!