NFC juice producers

In Julián Soler we are producers of NFC, the juices that do not come from concentrates, but directly from the fruit. In our case, we obtain it through the processing of fresh grapes or, failing that, through the desulphitation of sulfur-containing grape juice concentrates. In this way, we obtain a product of the highest quality

We are all aware of the importance of the wine sector for the Spanish economy, but also for our society, as we have already mentioned in other articles. Wine is part of our history and the image of our country, another attraction for tourists and a sign of identity for our industries. A symbol of

Los azúcares naturales del zumo de uva ¿son saludables?

Wine is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, and there are so many varieties that there will always be one to suit every palate. For thousands of years, it has been part of the culture and life in society, and for years it has become an important pillar in the economy

How is grape juice concentrated

How is grape juice concentrated?

Our #NothingButGrapes process is the result of years of experience and innovation. A unique method with which we achieve excellent grape juice concentrate production, designed to achieve the highest quality standards and offer our client companies an authentic grape juice to make their products for the end customer. At Julian Soler we work under this

We all know the important value that fresh, quality fruit has in a healthy and balanced diet. At Julián Soler we always bet on the best raw material to obtain a product of the highest quality, which allows us to obtain a grape juice concentrate without losing an iota of the properties and benefits of

Depending on the variety of grape used and the production process, the red juice may have richer or lesser color intensity, a feature that is highly demanded by our customers to sweeten and color naturally. Correct measurement is important to know what type of grape juice we can obtain. The most widespread measurement system is

Learn about the unique process of making the grape juice concentrate, ‘Nothing but Grapes’ made in Spain by Julián Soler At Julián Soler we take our motto ‘Nothing but Grapes‘ to its maximum definition. Our process for the production of the grape juice concentrate is unique and has been designed to offer the best quality

What is grape juice concentrate?

The grape juice concentrate is the juice of the grape squeezed, before fermenting. The raw material that we use at Julián Soler is fresh grapes from our own vineyards and local farmers, which allows us to control traceability from start to finish. From the fresh grape, we extract the juices to make the grape juice


Our brand evolves and with it, our digital media Photography becomes the protagonist of our website so we can show the world: • The authenticity of our grape• The unique process to make our grape juice concentrate• The passion, respect and commitment for our land• Innovation and Lean process improvement We are the ambassadors of

Julian Soler SMETA 4-PILLAR Certified

At Julián Soler we have successfully completed the SMETA 4 pillars audit.It is a social audit of the SEDEX Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, which allows us to evaluate the health and safety of our workers and to show zero tolerance for human rights abuses.The evaluation tool on which SMETA is based are the provisions of